By Chris Tony Akhabue
The annual ministers conference organised by Christ's Chosen Church of God Int'l was held in  Benin City, the Edo State capital recently.

This year's   conference with the theme, ' HAVE FAITH IN GOD',  which  started on  Tuesday, the 18th of January through to Monday the 24th January 2022 at the Central Cathedral Complex, along Benin Agbor Road, Ohovbe quarters in Benin city withnessed a Marmont turn out of its ministers and adherents across the country.

Speaking at the event, the Spiritual Head and the General overseer, the (Elect of God)  of the church, SNR Apostle, (Dr) David E. O. Unuefe Ikhuiwu, pointed out that the yearly event which started about 50 years ago is an annual tradition of the church, stressing that  the church usually have two major  annual events, the annual conference and the women convention which will come up by March this year by the special Grace of God. 

The man of God observed that the theme of this year's conference is apt because, according to him, it is counter productive  for children of God to put their trust in God on one hand and their trust on  idols and demonic powers on another hand. He said that, so many men of God were having divided loyalty, trusting God and idols at the same time, using fake and demonic powers to do God's work, which he said was wrong.

He said that the power he and his Ministers and the entire members of his Ministry have and still crave for is the power of the Holy Spirit which is all powerful and effectively able to do all things.

He therefore advice  Ministers and  men of God who are still having other gods to do away with such mini gods and trust and be dependent solely on the one and only true living Jehovah.

In his welcome address,  SNR Apostle David Unuefe Ikhuiwu, the Spiritual Head and the the general overseer of Christ Chosen Church of God international mentioned that this year's theme for the Ministers Conference, 'HAVE FAITH IN  GOD'  was key because, according to him, faith is an indispensable component and vital requirement in a man's relationship with God,  "But without faith it is impossible to please God."

Still speaking, he noted that there were levels of faith., Small faith, great, strong and weak and wavering  faith. He therefore urged all to turn on their faith and step onto the level of the big, strong and great faith in order to get answers to prayers and speedy and fantastic  miracles. He encouraged them by the fact that Jesus has not changed but the same yesterday, today and forever.

On his part, the second in command, Director of Lands and Housing SNR Apostle (Dr) Pius Igberase, pointed out that the theme of this year's conference is imperative in this end times to strengthen the ministers of God who may have been losing faith in God. He noted that the beauty and benefits of a conference like the ongoing one is enormous. He said the conference would go along way to strengthen and build positive faith in God.  He said it was certain that the programme would help in no small  measure  to revive the dwindling and  wavering faith of many.

For the Rector, Christ Disciples' Seminary, and Head, Powerline Division, Apostle (Dr) Felix Ehigie, faith in Christianity is a complex subject. He said the lack of understanding of faith in God has greatly hindered the work and fruits of faith. He said the results of such lack of understanding has frustrated so many Christians who now resort  to the weak and beggerly elements such as occultism, necromancy and the use of fetish materials to help in the work of God, which he described  as unholy and a sin before God.

According to the Seminary Rector, there are two kinds of faith, the living and the dead faith. He observed that what makes faith dead or living is the amount ( level) of faith and the quality of it. According to him, faith however, has a beginning, it starts a little and could be grown to great faith. He described the components of great and living faith to  include adequate knowledge of God and the realisation that there is nothing impossible before Him, understanding  of God's promises to His Children, Commitment to God, a heart rooted in Christ, Patient etc. He therefore advised that the church should as a matter of urgency  gather together and apply the ingredients of faith in order to make faith work for them , because faith  without works, according to him, is dead.

The event came to a climax on Monday with the ordination of several Ministers of God, special choir ministrations and special prayers for the Newly ordained Ministers  and for the entire members of the church by the Spiritual Head .


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