By Chris Akhabue 

 Oftentimes, Nigeria elected governors and other political office holders indiscriminately abdicate projects and programs of their predecessors, irrespective of how good and commendable such projects and programs are to societal good. This is, to a large extent, due to the desire to leave their own mark on governance, so as to ascribe needless accolades to themselves and their political parties 

The drive to create unique legacy often leads to the shelving of well-conceived initiatives of their predecessors, regardless of their potential benefits to society. Additionally, political rivalries and differing ideologies can also influence decision-making, resulting in the abandonment of tremendously beneficial projects for the sole purpose of disassociating from a predecessor's achievements.

 Despite their potential, the desire for individual recognition and conflicting agenda often impede the continuity of valuable initiatives, ultimately hindering progress and development.

The abdication of beneficial projects by a predecessor's successor is a deplorable act of neglect that perpetuates the stagnation of progress and development within the state. To abandon the initiatives and advancements made by a previous governor is not only irresponsible, but it also showcases a lack of commitment to the welfare and prosperity of the populace they pretend to represent. The incoming governor has a solemn duty to carry on the legacy of their predecessor's work, when such projects are for the societal good, and to disavow such essential projects is an affront to the very essence of public service. It is imperative that the incoming leader recognizes the significance of continuity and perseverance in fostering a thriving society, and sets aside any personal agendas for the collective good. Anything less is a betrayal of the people's trust and a disservice to the greater good.

 In the instance of Edo state, however, it should be imperative that some of the laudable long-term projects initiated by the outgoing governor of Edo state, Mr Godwin Obaseki, be sustained and continued by the next governor irrespective of the political divide such an emerging governor is coming from. The continuity of such projects is not merely a matter of preserving the legacy of a predecessor, but rather a strategic necessity for the socio-economic development of the state and its people.

The Godwin Obaseki led administration has, without doubt, initiated laudable long term projects that are in tandem with acceptable norms as catalysts for development of a modern society.

The developmental potential of some of the commendable landmark projects of the outgoing Godwin Obaseki government which includes the Ossiomo power plant, the modular refinery, the creative hub,etc are projects, if continuously nurtured by the incoming government can guarantee the fast- tracking of the shared vision of the industrialization process of the state.

It is incumbent upon the next governor of Edo state, irrespective of his political party therefore, to recognize and crystalize the monumental significance of continuing some of these long-term landmark projects which are unprecedentedly not self serving but conceived to ignite the industrialization process of Edo state. The continuity of such initiatives is not a matter of personal preference or partisan allegiance, but a duty to the people of Edo state who deserve to benefit from sustained progress and development. To abandon these projects in favor of political expediency or personal ambition would be nothing short of dereliction of duty and gross disservice to all Edo people.

To disrupt these projections would not only squander valuable resources and time but would also compromise the very future of Edo state. It is essential therefore, that the next governor recognizes the long-term vision behind these projects and commits to their seamless continuation.

Furthermore, the continuation of some of the Godwin Obaseki's long-term projects is a pragmatic and strategic choice. These projects are not mere whims of a passing administration but are carefully conceived and meticulously planned endeavors aimed at positioning Edo state as a vibrant and competitive entity in the global arena. 

The incumbency's foresight has sown the seeds of progress, and the successors must be steadfast and Patriotic enough in their commitment to fortify these seeds into an opulent harvest of development for all in Edo state.

I work in an environment in Benin City where 24 hour electricity is guaranteed and has been steady for more than a year now and it is only my hope that this feat is fortified, strengthened and extended to cover the other local government areas of the state through the patriotic endeavor of the next Edo governor.

The nurturing of these people- oriented and societal transforming legacies to self-sustaining entities is pivotal to the sustenance of Edo State's burgeoning socio-economic prospects, and the gubernatorial contenders must evince a resolute dedication to the ardent pursuit of their continuity and sustainability.

To abdicate these enduring legacies to the transient whims of political exigency is tantamount to sitting on a rocking chair headed no where, and such act would surreptitiously denigrate the auspicious prospects of Edo State.

Significantly therefore, it is incumbent on political leaders across the three senatorial districts to convene a town hall meeting to appeal to the consciousness and conscience of the three contestants in the governorship race to essentially see some of the laudable achievements of the outgoing governor Obaseki led administration such as the Ossiomo power plant as project dear to the heart of Edo people for which the people would ever remain appreciative of its continuity. The benchmark of prompt payment of civil servants salaries and pensions which has been regular as at when due for almost eight years now should not be lowered.

The next governor of Edo state therefore, irrespective of the political party he belongs , must grasp the unequivocal significance of continuing the laudable long-term projects initiated by the outgoing governor, Godwin Obaseki. The preservation of these initiatives is not a matter of personal legacies or political affiliations, but a fundamental imperative for the continued socio-economic growth and development of the state. The people of Edo state deserve nothing less than a commitment to the realization of a future that is built upon the solid foundation laid by Governor Obaseki. Anything short of such commitment would be a disservice to the people of Edo state and a betrayal of their aspirations for a prosperous and vibrant future of Edo of our dream.



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