By Chris Tony Akhabue 

The Current scarcity and skyrocketing prices of commodities in markets in the Benin metropolis and other parts of the state have been attributed to the activities of devious union leaders in various markets in the state.

Recently the President of Traders Welfare Union of Nigeria, Comrade Lucky Orukpe, said this while addressing journalists at the premises of the Edo State Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) during a peaceful protest in Benin City as a result of the excruciating sufferings occasioned by exorbitant prices of commodities due to negative activities of market union leaders.

He told journalists that the current hardship as a result of scarcity of commodities which have astronomically raised the prices of commodities in various markets in the state was due to the unwholesome practices of union leaders in those markets.

According to him, the activities of Union leaders in the markets were causing more harm than good.

"The illegal acts of compelling traders to join their different unions with exorbitant sums of money ranging from one hundred and fifty thousand naira (N150,000) and above, depending on the type of commodity, and different items before selling their farm produce and other communities and for those who bow to their evil demands are restricted on the sizes of produce to sell and days they are allowed in the market to sell their commodities; e.g. once in a week and thereby creating artificial scarcity and in the process causing inflation and poverty for such traders and the general populace which have become unacceptable 

He told Journalists that those traders and market women who refused to join such unions were dealt with illegally by the illegal union leaders.

"Anyone who refuses to join the union, they conspire against such traders , arrest the trader and in most cases their goods are confiscated by the so called illegal leaders" adding that, " there are cases where individuals are willing to join the union, so they can do their businesses, but that they are told that the space for membership was closed and that the trader should go elsewhere to trade thereby frustrating such trader who has already paid the required fees by the Local Government Council Revenue officers.

Comrade Lucky Orukpe therefore appealed to the Edo State government, the Edo State House Of Assembly and relevant authorities concerned to intervene and save the situation with a view to curbing the menace of such needless unions. He further added that these union leaders are all known and that he is willing to point them out if the government is willing to intervene and put a stop to it.

A discreet investigation revealed some of the unwholesome practices by these so-called union leaders at the various markets in Benin metropolis. For instance, at the fresh tomatoes and pepper market in Aduwawa, in Ikpoba Okha local government area of Edo state, an Hausa trader who sells tomatoes who preferred to remain anonymous said that he usually bring in trailers of tomatoes to the market but that he has been restricted by union leaders to bring in only one truck every two weeks adding that if he contravened the law, that any additional truck he brings to the market would be impounded and the fresh tomatoes would be allowed to rot in the truck as a deterrent. He said that the aim is to create artificial scarcity so that the prices would go up, adding that, the Union leaders determine how much tomatoes, onions, pepper and other commodities are sold.

At the Oregbeni Market at Ramat Park, still in Ikpoba Okha local government area of the state, the situation is not different. Here, at Oregbeni Market, a scenario played out. An Hausa goat meat seller was attending to a prospective buyer and there was another woman standing by. I was at that point in time also trying to buy some. I was waiting for the woman to haggle so I could get a lead from her pricing. As she pointed to one potion, the other woman who was merely standing by told the meat seller that the portion of the meat was three thousand five hundred naira which the meat seller repeated. The prospective buyer said it was too high and said she would pay two thousand five hundred naira but the other woman insisted on three thousand five hundred naira and in frustration the buyer was walking away in anger, not being able to comprehend the business of the other woman in the matter.The Hausa trader got upset and asked the woman to bring the money ( two thousand five hundred naira); for the meat and began causing the other woman in Hausa language and immediately she disappeared. "Na you go teli me how much to seli my meat" the meat seller retorted.

I quietly waited and finished paying for my portion before asking for an explanation for the little drama that ensued few minutes ago and from his explanation it was a market Union official on duty to ensure compliance of union price control.

It is truth generally acknowledged that the economic situation of the country is not at its best already and therefore it becomes totally unacceptable for any person or group of persons to come together to take advantage of others by forming Unions that are at variance with alleviating despondency but rather meant to further worsen the living conditions of the populace and it is in the light of the above that any responsible government should rise to the occasion and apply every legitimate government apparatus to dismantle such associations or unions which have hundred percent capacity to further reduce the living standards of the people below the acceptable.

 The actions of various unions in market places, who are forcing traders to join their unholy unions under threat of being denied the opportunity to sell their foodstuffs, have become a life-threatening issue that must be urgently addressed.

These unions have taken it upon themselves to dictate the terms and conditions under which traders can operate, and their actions have resulted in the worsening hardship for the already traumatized and struggling residents of Benin City . Traders are being coerced into joining these unions, and those who resist are being denied the opportunity to carry out their legitimate business activities. This forced membership not only violates the rights of the traders but also takes a toll on their economic well-being and subsequently the general populace.

What is more outrageously worrisome is the fact that these unions are imposing arbitrary restrictions on the movement and sale of foodstuffs, such as not allowing all the traders to bring their produce all at the same day into the markets but rather apportions different days for sets of traders to display their commodities for sale in the markets. This artificial scarcity is a deliberate attempt to manipulate the market and create an environment where prices are driven up, and ultimately leading to greater financial strain on the already burdened populace. It is a clear case of exploiting the vulnerability of the people for selfish gains.

The hardship and suffering that these actions have caused cannot be overstated. Traumatized families are struggling to put food on the table, and the cost of living has become unbearable for many. The effects of these actions are cascading across different sectors, as the artificial scarcity of foodstuffs has a domino effect on other aspects of the economy, leading to increased prices of other essential commodities and further exacerbating the living conditions of the people.

The right to engage in legal and legitimate business activities is a fundamental human right, and it is imperative that these rights are protected and upheld. It is unacceptable for any union or group to impose their will on others through coercion and threats. The livelihoods of the people should not be at the mercy of a few individuals who seek to manipulate the market for their own gain.

 The worsening hardship faced by the residents of Benin City and Nigerians in general due to the actions of certain unions in markets is an egregious violation that must be urgently rectified. The government and relevant authorities must intervene to put an end to these unjust and exploitative practices, and to ensure that the rights, privileges and well-being of the people are protected. The suffering of the people should not be allowed to continue to degenerate and those responsible for it should be held accountable and the entire citizens of the state would ever remain appreciative of the gesture if the government can act decisively to put an end to such acts of inhumanity at these perilous times.


  1. in addition to the fight against insecurity, the Edo state government should listen to the voice of the people via Comrade Orukpe, people are dying of hunger due to bad market leaders


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